Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Rest In Peace, Alan Ferris.

I met Alan Ferris when I first joined Moral Crux. He had a garage full of arcade video games and knew damn near everything there was to know about them. Our practice space was there. MANY hours spent hanging out on this guys back porch, at his studio (Hypnosis), or in his man-cave garage B.S.'ing and watching old live videos of bands or whatever weird stuff we could find. We had just finished recording the pre-production on the new Crux EP at his place before finalizing the recording in CDA this weekend. We finished on Saturday, and not even two days later, he is gone.
I am going to miss 11 hour marathon practice days at your place, man. More so, I am going to miss all your encouragement and friendship over the last 10 years. Today's been a tough one man, for a lot of people. Thanks for being one of the great ones, Dos Bass. See you on the other side.  --Scott Rozell (Scatterbox/Moral Crux).

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